
Training Material

The SPIS curricula exists in many countries. There is a strong collaboration with the AGSN (Africa Green Store Network – Reséau Grenier Vert d’Afrique). AGSN is a  networking forum, which covers more than 30 educational institutions and more than 12 countries. Please inquire on the AGSN website and contact them directly if you have any requests on trainings.

In the years 2022-23, a couple of distance trainings (webinars) for advisors and consultants in the field of solar irrigation were implemented. The series of trainings covered the five most important expert-tools (in version 4) – up to 40 participants per session were trained with various methods and by different trainers. Find here the Curricula in Powerpoint for the six webinars: 

Webinar I «Expert»

Introduction & Farm Analysis


Participants get familiar with all components of the SPIS toolbox and know where to find them (Tools, Manual and Country Case Cards, E-Learning course, YouTube channel (Screencasts, Hands-on Videos…).

Participants learn about what is needed to complete the course successfully and how to get a certificate in the end: participation in discussions, homework between the sessions, presentation, and a final test.


Webinar II «Expert»

Water Requirement


Participants know components of SPIS (through a BINGO game), know the approach of group-work in a virtual environment and are familiar with polls.

Participants are familiar with the Water Requirement Tool and know how to determine the water requirement of different crops at a certain site.

Webinar III «Expert»

Pump Sizing


Participants know the characteristics of different types of pumps and how they work, emphasis on centrifugal pumps. They are familiar with the Pump Sizing Tool and how to use it to determine pump type and size.

Webinar IV «Expert»

Irrigation & Soil


Participants are familiar with different types of soil and know more about the irrigation schedule for various crops depending on soil, climate and irrigation method.
Participants are familiar with the Soil tool and know how to use it,

Webinar V «Expert»



Participants are aware of the financial aspects of a SPIS and  can compare life cycle costs for Diesel powered pumps, grid electricity pumps with solar powered pumps and determine the break-even point of the different approaches.

Participants are familiar with the Payback tool and know how to apply it.

Webinar VI «Expert»



Participants know about opportunities and challenges in implementing solar powered irrigation. They are aware of the success factors and know what can be learned from failures.


In a recording of a webinar meeting of February 5th, 2019,  Mr. Ralph Steubing gives some information about the work of the company ICL which is specialized on the mining of fertilizer substances and (among others) the manufacturing of water-soluble fertilizer products, which can be integrated into an irrigation system. In the second part of the webinar, Mr. Steubing gives us some basic background information about soil chemistry. It is essential to know more about soil conditions and the demands of the crops in order to apply the correct fertilizer substances and the correct amount and thus not to waste money and to protect the environment! 

In another recording of a interview of 31. January 2019, Mr. Boniface M Muthusi from Kenya is with us. He works at «Juhudi Kilimo», a microfinance institution as a Chief Credit & Risk Officer. He  tells us a bit about his work in general, and what his criteria for granting a loan for financing Solar Powered Irrigation Systems to rural smallholder farmers are. 



In this recording of a webinar meeting of February 5th, 2019,  Mr. Ralph Steubing gives some information about the work of the company ICL which is specialized on the mining of fertilizer substances and (among others) the manufacturing of water-soluble fertilizer products, which can be integrated into an irrigation system. In the second part of the webinar, Mr. Steubing gives us some basic background information about soil chemistry. It is essential to know more about soil conditions and the demands of the crops in order to apply the correct fertilizer substances and the correct amount and thus not to waste money and to protect the environment!

This webinar is part of the e-Learning course on «Solar Powered Irrigation Systems» and has been produced by the Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences on behalf of GIZ, the German Development Agency.




01:17 – Personal Introduction Ralph Steubing

01:45 – Introducing ICL

04:15 – Question 1: Feeding methods for application of fertilizer

14:25 – Question 2: Apply fertilizer into a SPIS by a small-scale farmer in Africa

18:30 – Question 3: Right amount of a fertilizer mix at a certain crop stage

27:10 – Question 4: Measurements, checks of soil and leafs

32:15 – Question 5: How to improve your fertilizing system

37:32 – Contact information Ralph Steubing & ICL


Financing Agriculture

In this recording of a  Webinar meeting of 31. January 2019, Mr. Boniface M Muthusi from Kenya is with us. He works at «Juhudi Kilimo», a microfinance institution as a Chief Credit & Risk Officer. He  tells us a bit about his work in general, and what his criteria for granting a loan for financing Solar Powered Irrigation Systems to rural smallholder farmers are. 

In the first part of webinar, Boniface will shortly present his work. In the second part, we  had the opportunity to ask him some questions.

This webinar is part of the e-Learning course on «Solar Powered Irrigation Systems» and has been produced by the Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences on behalf of GIZ, the German Development Agency.




01:13 – Personal Introduction Boniface Muthusi

02:20 – Presentation on Juhudi Kilimo

09:08 – Question 1: Background of Microfinance

11:15 – Question 2: Risk factors in financing agriculture 

15:50 – Question 3: How works financing a SPIS in detail?

17:47 – Question 4: Advices for Farmers seeking loans

20:45 – Contact information Boniface Muthusi & Juhudi Kilimo

Between 2018 and 2022, various e-Learning courses «Solar Powered Irrigation Systems (SPIS)» took place to introduce the five most prominent SPIS-Excel tools (Version 4). The course was designed to give profound background information to advisors, service providers and practitioners in the field of solar irrigation to provide broad hands-on guidance to end-users, policy-makers and financiers. Click to the image to proceed to the course which is available in English, French and Arabic. Username is: spis-toolbox | Password: pass

These Screencasts explain the use of five selected Excel-Tools provided by GIZ and FAO. The screencasts refer to the outdated version 4 of the sheets – however, some of the explanations might be quite useful!

Sceencast Safeguard Water

Water Requirement

This  Screencast explains the use of the «Water Requirement Tool» in version 4.

This tool serves to calculate the water requirement for crops and livestock depending on their geographic position and the rainfall patterns at the location of the planned Solar-Powered Irrigation System.

This screencast describes these steps:

00:59 Geographic Data

01:49 Crop Water Requirement

04:30 Livestock Water Requirement

05:41 Summary

06:22 How This Tool Works

Screencast Invest

Farm Analysis

This  Screencast explains the use of the «Farm Analysis Tool» in version 4.

The tool allows for assessment on farm productivity through its average annual agricultural production. 

The tool is useful for establishing a baseline or to assess the impact of planned investments. 

It allows supporting a farm enterprise towards identifying unnecessary costs, determine best value agricultural activities and correctly monetize different farm inputs.

The Screencast describes these steps:

00:25 Read-me

01:12 Country Case Card Kenya

01:39 General Information

03:01 Equipment & Assets

04:21 Income «Crops & Livestock»

05:40 Other Income

05:51 Financing

06:36 Fixed & Variable Costs

09:14 Farm Income Statement

10:15 Crop Price Calculator

10:36 Quick Check

Screencast Invest


This  Screencast explains the use of the «Payback Tool» in version 4..

This tool allows for a comparative assessment between income and three different irrigation pumping options, namely solar, diesel and grid connection. Information required for using this tool includes investment and operational costs for the different pumping systems, anticipated income from agricultural production and basic economic conditions.

The Screencast describes these parts:

00:35 Read-me

01:25 Input «Basic Assumptions»

02:54 Input «Solar Powered Irrigation Systems»

03:32 Input «Grid (Electricity) Powered»

04:21 Input «Diesel Powered»

05:25 Output Analysis

06:03 Output Results of the three Options

06:37 Output Graph: System Costs after the first 10 years

07:12 Output Graph: System Costs after the first 25 years

Sceencast Design

Pump Sizing

This  Screencast explains the use of the «Pump Sizing Tool» in version 4.

This tool allows you to calculate the pumping head, the required solar PV module capacity and helps you to select suitable pump technologies. You will need data from other parts of the Toolbox, especially the Site Data Collection Tool, the Farm Analysis Tool and the Water Requirement Tool.

The Screencast discusses these topics:

00:44 Readme

01:24 Input: «Head Calculation»

05:10 Input: «Pump Pressure Loss»

05:44 Input: «Irrigation Pressure Loss»

07:08 Output: «Results»

Screencast Irrigate


This  Screencast explains the use of the «Soil Tool» in version 4.

This tool serves to determine your soil profile and to find an irrigation schedule for a selected crop. It complements the Water Requirement Tool, where crop water requirements were determined.

The Screencast describes these parts:

00:29 Read-me

00:50 Geograpic Data

01:31 Soil Texture Calculator

03:04 Irrigation Schedule

04:07 Irrigation Amount and Routine

05:32 Summary

05:45 How this Tool Works

06:04 Crop Information


How to use your water in a sustainable way

GIZ Poster

Comment utiliser votre eau de manière durable


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