What is it?
The SPIS-Toolbox
…comprises informative modules supplemented with user-friendly software tools
The Toolbox on Solar Powered Irrigation Systems (SPIS) is designed to enable advisors, service providers and practitioners in the field of solar irrigation to provide broad hands-on guidance to end-users, policy-makers and financiers. Risks related to system efficiency, financial viability and the unsustainable use of water resources can thus be minimized.

What is «Rainwater-Harvesting»? Why are the available Water Resources in danger? How do farmers use solar energy to Irrigate Crops? This section wants to make you familiar to the various problems.
The new Web-App allows Farmers, Advisors, and Financial Institutions to calculate in a simple and quick way the surface of the solar panels and the dimension of the pump needed to irrigate crops.
The EXCEL-sheets provide Specialists with tools to calculate the water demand and irrigation for agricultural purpose in great detail. The section offers advisors with greater knowledge the five most important tools in a brand-new updated version 6.
Who we are
The Team

WE4F provides financial support, technical assistance, and investment facilitation to water-food, energy-food, and water-energy-food innovations. The supported innovations impact smallholder farmers, helping them unlock missing inputs, finance, technology, and markets.

…contributes to the joint international initiative Water and Energy for Food (WE4F), providing capacity development methods which empower farmers, technical service/technology providers, financial service providers, and sensitize policy actors to the benefits of SPIS.
Margraf Publishers

Develops the «Toolbox on Solar Powered Irrigation Systems (SPIS)» on behalf of SUN4Water further. The Toolbox is designed to enable advisors, service providers and practitioners in the field of solar irrigation to provide broad hands-on guidance.
Support is only one step away
Our Help-Desk is available for all users of the SPIS-Toolbox
Approach us via the Online Chat-Box which is located at the bottom of each page, via our Contact form or simply by sending your question by e-mail to help@spis-toolbox.org .
In every case, your request will ticketed and one of our experts will contact you to help you out.
Please also browse the FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) – maybe your problem is already solved!