
Toolbox for Farmers & Advisors

The SPIS Web-App

This SPIS Web-App allows for the calculation of pumping head, the pump size in kW and the required solar PV module surface, depending on location, climate, water availability, irrigation layout and water requirements of planned crops and livestock. The calculations offered here are based on simplified assumptions – the SPIS web app is therefore quick and easy to use.

The aim is rather to provide an overview of whether irrigation with the aid of the sun is worthwhile and what the components – the PV-panels and the solar pump – must achieve. The Farmer or Advisor therefore gets an idea whether an SPIS is feasible from the

  • Technical side referring to the surface of the field to be irrigated, available solar irradiation and water water demand of the crops;
  • Water-Resources which are available for irrigation;
  • Financial aspects asking how big the installation (pump and surface of the panels) is and whether the farm is profitable (The app provides also a little «Turnover & Investments» calculator).

The pump size reflects the WORST scenario, taking into account climate change effects. No precipitation when irrigating in the hottest month of the year is considered. You can downsize the pump if you have better conditions and/ or can use rainfall within your irrigation months.

Find some useful «Tips & Tricks» below the Web-App…

Use the SPIS Web-App directly below from the WE4F/SUN4Water server or click the button to open the App separately. In both cases, you’ll have to register with the app to access your previous cases…

Useful to know

Please find here some questions which might arise from your side, together with our answers. Maybe this already solves your problem? Please get in contact with our help-desk if you have issues which are not tackled here…

Before signing in, you have the possibility to choose a language in which the app and your PDF-downloads appears. This means that you cannot change a language while working inside the app – you must first log yourself out, click «Proceed to Sign-In» and choose a language. After a new log-in, the language has changed. The data that previously entered are still available.

Currently, the App only supports English and French. Please get in contact with us to ask for further translations!

This happens sometimes – but it is easy to solve: Just refresh the page!

Yes. Please open the App on your smartphone, click the «Share» Symbol (1) and choose to add the app to the welcome screen of your mobile (2). A symbol of the App will be added to your Home Screen from which you can open the App just as any other application. Refer to the attached image…

Please click «Save & Next» once you are finished with a step. It is necessary to save a information before it can be taken into account for a calculation!

This is currently not possible. A connection to the GIZ-server must be established to manage your data (Password, Farm-cases etc.). For a future version, we plan for an additional simplified version (for mobile only) in which data can be collected offline on site and later synchronized online with the main app.

The password for the app is needed to manage your calculation examples and whether you want to share this cases with other users or not. 

If you proceed to «Data Sharing» you can decide whether your case is «Public» or «Private». It does not automatically mean that other user can see your calculation when you allow us to share your PDF. Your choice only allows the admin to download your case as PDF and have the possibility to publish it here on the platform. 
If you want to keep your case private, just do not tick the «Yes, I agree» button…