Financial Issues & Conditions
There may be special rules and regulations in your particular country when it comes to either simply the tax regulations, to specific subventions or to get into contact with financial institutions granting a loan for a Solar Powered Irrigation System. This page will provide the necessary information.
In a recording of a interview of 31. January 2019, Mr. Boniface M Muthusi from Kenya is with us. He works at «Juhudi Kilimo», a microfinance institution as a Chief Credit & Risk Officer. He tells us a bit about his work in general, and what his criteria for granting a loan for financing Solar Powered Irrigation Systems to rural smallholder farmers are.
In the first part of webinar, Boniface will shortly present his work. In the second part, we had the opportunity to ask him some questions.
01:13 – Personal Introduction Boniface Muthusi
02:20 – Presentation on Juhudi Kilimo
09:08 – Question 1: Background of Microfinance
11:15 – Question 2: Risk factors in financing agriculture
15:50 – Question 3: How works financing a SPIS in detail?
17:47 – Question 4: Advices for Farmers seeking loans
20:45 – Contact information Boniface Muthusi & Juhudi Kilimo