
Other Applications

There are other well-known and widely used applications for calculations on water demand and dimensions of related technical devices for a solar irrigation system for agricultural purposes. Most of them are initiated by FAO and are freely available. These application have also been used to configure and build the «Toolbox».



FAO’s Global Information System on Water Resources and Agricultural Water Management. It collects, analyses and provides free access to over 180 variables and indicators by country from 1960.



Decision support tool for the calculation of crop water requirements and irrigation requirements based on soil, climate and crop data.


Rural Invest

Free toolkit designed to support field technicians in their work with entrepreneurs by allowing the systematization and development of bankable and sustainable business proposals.


Solar Irrigation Potential

Solar suitability mapping framework. It was developed using a GIS-based Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) technique and gives suitability for solar powered irrigation system all over AfricaS